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Shinobu Kazama

学術論文 Academic Paper

Academic Papers


Shrestha, Ankit Man, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang, Satoshi Takizawa. Improvement of Removal Rates for Iron and Manganese in Groundwater Using Dual-Media Filters Filled with Manganese-Oxide-Coated Sand and Ceramic in Nepal, Water, 16(17), 2450, 2024.


Zikrina, Masayu Nadiya, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang, Satoshi Takizawa. Filling Discrepancies between Consumer Perception and Actual Piped Water Quality to Promote the Potable Use of the Municipal Water Supply in Indonesia, Sustainability, 16(16), 7082, 2024.


Amin, Saiful, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang, Satoshi Takizawa. Causes and Effects of Scale Deposition in Water Supply Pipelines in Surakarta City, Indonesia, Water, 16(16), 2275, 2024.


Sunti Chandaeng, Benyapa Sawangjang, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa; Analysis of the factors influencing the fluctuation of non-revenue water in Luangprabang City, Laos. AQUA - Water Infrastructure, Ecosystems and Society , 73 (3): 453–463, 2024.


Ashan Pathirane, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizaw. Dynamic analysis of non-revenue water in district metered areas under varying water consumption conditions owing to COVID-1, Heliyon, 10, e23516, 2024.

度会真実,風間しのぶ,滝沢智.人口減少社会における革新的下水処理技術の評価と普及の可能性,土木学会論文集G(環境),79(25), 23–25054, 2023.

Mitria Widianingtias, Shinobu Kazama, Benyapa Sawangjang, Satoshi Takizawa. Assessment of Water Reclamation and Reuse Potential in Bali Province, Indonesia, Water, 15(14), 2642, 2023.


Shekhar Khanal, Shinobu Kazama, Sawangjang Benyapa, Satoshi Takizawa. Performance Assessment of Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal, Water, 15(12), 2305, 2023.

岡俊輔, 氏家慶介, 風間しのぶ, 小熊 久美子, 滝沢 智. 水と衛生への意識・行動変容に寄与する施策の質的比較分析, 土木木学会論文集G(環境), 78(7), III_263–III_274, 2022.


Riza Taftazani, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Spatial Analysis of groundwater abstraction and land subsidence for planning the piped water supply in Jakarta, Indonesia, Water, 14(20), 3197, 2022.


Dina Urfanisa, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Evaluation of a slum upgrading program for improvement of water supply in Bandung City, Indonesia, Water, 14(19), 3025, 2022.

Ryusei Hashimoto, Shinobu Kazama, Takashi Hashimoto, Kumiko Oguma, Satoshi Takizawa. Planning methods for conjunctive use of urban water resources based on quantitative water demand estimation models and groundwater regulation index in Yangon City, Myanmar, Journal of Cleaner Production, 367(20), 133123, 2022.


Sinat Phea, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Performance assessment for increasing connection rates of private water supply operators in Cambodia, Water, 14(15), 2363, 2022.


Muzaffar Abbas, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Water demand estimation in service areas with limited numbers of customer meters­—Case study in Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) Lahore, Pakistan. Water, 14(14), 2197, 2022.


Shiela Marie Alfonso, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Inequalities in access to and consumption of safely managed water due to socio-economic factors: Evidence from Quezon City, Philippines, Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 4, 100117, 2022.


橋本隆生, 風間しのぶ, 橋本崇史, 小熊久美子, 滝沢智. 土地利用指標を用いた河川流域類型化による水質汚濁の特徴把握と下水道整備による水質改善効果の評価, 土木学会論文集G(環境), 77(2), III_60–III_71, 2021.


Nwe Nwe Zin, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Network model analysis of residual chlorine to reduce disinfection byproducts in water supply systems in Yangon City, Myanmar, Water, 13(20), 2921, 2021.


Shayma Albannay, Shinobu Kazama, Kumiko Oguma, Takashi Hashimoto, Satoshi Takizawa. Water demand management based on water consumption data analysis in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, Water, 13(20), 2827 2021.


Indrastuti, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Evaluation of microbial contamination of groundwater under different topographic conditions and household water treatment systems in Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, Water, 13(12), 1673, 2021.


Arati Shrestha, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Influence of service levels and COVID-19 on water supply inequalities of community-managed service providers in Nepal, Water, 13(10), 1349, 2021.


Erika Ito, Jian Pu, Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Masateru Nishiyama, Hiroaki Ito, Yoshimitsu Konta, Tatsuo Omura, Toru Watanabe. Detection of rotavirus vaccine strains in oysters and sewage and their relationship with the gastroenteritis epidemic, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 87:e02547-20, 2021.


Masahiro Otaki, Shinobu Kazama. Evaluation of human norovirus genogroup-II (HNoV-II) inactivation by ozonated water using quantitative PCR combined with PMA pretreatment, Ozone: Science & Engineering, 43(5), 490–498, 2021.

Tiasti Wening Purwandari, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Water consumption analysis of small islands supplied with desalinated water in Indonesia, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research),77(7),III_129–III_140, 2021.


Khaing Khaing Soe, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Assessment of billed-unmetered water consumption to improve water utility management in Yangon City, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research),76(7),III_277–III_285, 2020.


Koki Namoto, Takashi Hashimoto, Shinobu Kazama, Kumiko Oguma, Satoshi Takizawa. Longitudinal flowrate distribution and bypass flow measurement of broken hollow-fiber membranes, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. G (Environmental Research), 76(7), III205–III214, 2020.


杉山琴美, 風間しのぶ, 小熊久美子, 滝沢智. インド・チェンナイにおけるDayZeroの発生要因とSNSデータによる水ガバナンスの課題解析, 土木学会論文集G(環境), 76(7), III_53–III_63, 2020.


Erika Ito, Jian Pu, Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Masateru Nishiyama, Hiroaki Ito, Yoshimitsu Konta, Gia Thanh Nguyen, Tatsuo Omura, Toru Watanabe. Weekly variation of rotavirus A concentrations in sewage and oysters in Japan, 2014 – 2016, Pathogens, 8 (89), 2019.


米澤有貴, 橋本崇史, 風間しのぶ, 小熊久美子, 藤村一良, 滝沢智. 膜ろ過浄水施設で長期間使用されたPVDF製中空糸膜の劣化機構の解明,土木学会論文集G(環境),75(7), III_341–III_350, 2019.


名本昂生, 橋本崇史, 風間しのぶ, 小熊久美子, 滝沢智. 光ファイバセンサを用いた浄水用ろ過膜の損傷検知手法の開発, 土木学会論文集G(環境),75(7), III_329–III_339, 2019.


佐渡友康, 小熊久美子, 橋本崇史, 風間しのぶ, 滝沢智. 深紫外LEDを用いた紫外線のパルス照射による大腸菌の不活, 土木学会論文集G(環境),75(7), III_91–III_96, 2019.


Jian Pu, Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Yoshimitsu Konta, Nabila Dhyan Azraini, Erika Ito, Hiroaki Ito, Tatsuo Omura, Toru Watanabe. Weekly variations in norovirus genogroup II genotypes in Japanese oysters, International Journal of Food Microbiology, 284 (2), 48–55, 2018.


Mamoru Oshiki, Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Takahiro Segawa, Satoshi Ishii, Masashi Hatamoto, Takashi Yamaguchi, Kengo Kubota, Akinori Iguchi, Tadashi Tagawa, Tsutomu Okubo, Shigeki Uemura, Hideki Harada, Naohiro Kobayashi, Nobuo Araki, Daisuke Sano. Microfluidic PCR amplification and MiSeq amplicon sequencing techniques for high-throughput detection and genotyping of human pathogenic RNA viruses in human feces, sewage, and oysters, Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:830, 2018.


Mohan Amarasiria, Masaaki Kitajima, Akiho Miyamura, Ricardo Santos, Silvia Monteiro, Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Okabe, Daisuke Sano. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR assays for genotype-specific detection of human noroviruses in clinical and environmental samples, International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 221(3), 578–585, 2018.


Gia Thanh Nguyen, Jian Pu, Takayuki Miura, Hiroaki Ito, Shinobu Kazama, Yoshimitsu Konta, An Van Le, Toru Watanabe. Oyster contamination with human noroviruses impacted by urban drainage and seasonal flooding in Vietnam, Food and Environmental Virology, 10 (1):61–71, 2017.


Shinobu Kazama, Takayuki Miura, Yoshifumi Masago, Yoshimitsu Konta, Kentaro Tohma, Takafumi Manaka, Xiaofang Liu, Daisuke Nakayama, Takashi Tanno, Mayuko Saito, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Environmental surveillance of norovirus genogroups I and II for sensitive detection of epidemic variants, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83: e03406, 2017.


三浦尚之,風間しのぶ,今田義光,真砂佳史,当广謙太郎,真中太佳史,劉暁芳,斉藤繭子,押谷仁,大村達夫.感染性胃腸炎流行の早期検知を目的とした下水中ノロウイルスモニタリングの有用性, 土木学会論文集G(環境),72(7), III_285–III_294, 2016.


Jian Pu, Shinobu Kazama, Takayuki Miura, Nabila Dhyan Azraini, Yoshimitsu Konta, Hiroaki Ito, You Ueki, Ermaya Eka Cahyaningrum, Tatsuo Omura, Toru Watanabe. Pyrosequencing analysis of norovirus genogroup II distribution in sewage and oysters: First detection of GII.17 Kawasaki 2014 in oysters, Food and Environmental Virology, 8(4):310–312, 2016.


Nowaki Hijikata, Rui Tezuka, Shinobu Kazama, Masahiro Ohtaki, Daisuke Sano, Ryusei Ito, Satoshi Okabe, Naoyuki Funamizu. Bactericidal and virucidal mechanisms in the alkaline disinfection of compost using calcium lime and ash, Journal of Environmental Management, 181, 721–727, 2016.


Yoshifumi Masago, Yoshimitsu Konta, Shinobu Kazama, Manami Inaba, Toshifumi Imagawa, Kentaro Tohma, Mayuko Saito, Akira Suzuki, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Comparative evaluation of real-time PCR methods for human noroviruses in wastewater and human stool, Plos One, 11(8):e0160825, 2016.


Loïc Decrey, Shinobu Kazama, Tamar Kohn. Ammonia as an in-situ sanitizer: influence of virus genome type on inactivation, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 82(16), 4909–20, 2016.


Shinobu Kazama, Yoshifumi Masago, Kentaro Tohma, Nao Souma, Toshifumi Imagawa, Akira Suzuki, Xiaofang Liu, Mayuko Saito, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Temporal dynamics of norovirus determined through monitoring of municipal wastewater by pyrosequencing and virological surveillance of gastroenteritis cases, Water Research, 92, 244–253, 2016.

Loïc Decrey, Shinobu Kazama, Tamar Kohn. Ammonia as an in-situ sanitizer: inactivation kinetics and mechanisms of the ssRNA virus MS2 by NH3, Environmental Science and Technology, 49 (2), 1060–1067, 2015.


風間しのぶ,真砂佳史,沼澤聡,大村達夫. 下水中のポリA鎖を有する1本鎖(+)RNAウイルスの選択的メタゲノム解析手法の検討, 土木学会論文集G (環境), Vol.71, No.7, III_339–III_349, 2015.


伊藤紘晃, 熊谷卓也, 風間しのぶ, 真砂佳史, 植木洋, 渡部徹. パイロシークエンシング法による養殖カキ中のノロウイルスGIIの網羅的遺伝子解析, 土木学会論文集G(環境), 70(7), III_305–III_311, 2014.


Shinobu Kazama, Masahiro Otaki. Quantitative Analysis of the inactivation mechanisms of Escherichia coli by a newly developed method using propidium monoazide, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 11(6), 507–517, 2013.


Shinobu Kazama, Masahiro Otaki. Inactivation mechanisms of E. coli in the sawdust used in composting toilet, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 10(4), 363–374, 2012.


Myriam Ben Said, Masahiro Otaki, Shinobu Kazama, Abdennaceur Hassen. Development of a DNA-dosimeter system as biomarker to monitor the effects of pulsed ultraviolet radiation, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(24), 5153–5161, 2012.


Shinobu Kazama, Narue Tameike, Naoko Nakagawa, Masahiro Otaki. A fate model of pathogenic viruses in a composting toilet based on coliphage inactivation, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 23(7), 1194–1198, 2011.


Shinobu Kazama and Masahiro Otaki. Mechanisms of bacteria and viruses inactivation in sawdust used in composting toilet, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, 9(1), 53–66, 2011.


Ben Said Myriam, Masahiro Otaki, Kazama Shinobu, Hassen Abdennaceuri. Detection of active Escherichia coli after irradiation by pulsed UV light using a Qβ phage, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 4 (11) , 1128–1134, 2010.

風間しのぶ, 大瀧雅寛. コンポスト型トイレにおける病原ウイルス指標, 土木学会論文集, 66(4),179–186, 2010. 

Commentary etc.


解説など Commentary etc.

真砂佳史,稲葉愛美,風間しのぶ. 水環境のウイルス—シーケンス技術の発達により生態系での働きが明らかに, 2015年7月,生物の科学 遺伝,Vol.64,No.4,pp.268–271,株式会社エヌ・ティー・エス.

International Conference Presentations


国際学会発表 International Conference

Makito Sasano, Shinobu Kazama, Kumiko Oguma, Satoshi Takizawa. Public acceptance of potable reuse of reclaimed water using social network data, The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-13), December 13-15, 2022, AITCC, Pathum Thani, Thailand.


Shunsuke Oka, Shinobu Kazama, Kumiko Oguma, Satoshi Takizawa. Identification of fecal contamination source and enteric viruses in groundwater in the Special Region of Yogyakarta province, Indonesia, The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-13), December 13-15, 2022, AITCC, Pathum Thani, Thailand.


Mami Watarai, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Innovative wastewater treatment technologies for municipalities with declining population— evaluation and potential application, The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-13), December 13-15, 2022, AITCC, Pathum Thani, Thailand.


Shekhar Khanal, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Changes in drinking water quality by Household Water Treatment and Storage practices in Kathmandu valley, The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-13), December 13-15, 2022, AITCC, Pathum Thani, Thailand.


Mitria Widianingtias, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Takizawa. Potency of reclaimed water use in Bali island, Indonesia, The 13th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE-13), December 13-15, 2022, AITCC, Pathum Thani, Thailand.

Ryusei Hashimoto, Shinobu Kazama, Keisuke Kuroda, Takashi Hashimoto, Kumiko Oguma, Satoshi Takizawa. Effects of effluents from different wastewater treatment systems on river water quality in Japan and Vietnam, NOM7 (IWA Specialist Conference on Natural Organic Matter in Water), October 7–10, 2019, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan.  (The Best Poster Presentation Award)


Shinobu Kazama, Hitoha Moriyama, Yoshifumi Masago, Masahiro Otaki. Exploring unidentifiable RNA virus sequences from metagenomic analysis of domestic wastewater, 20th International Symposium on Health Related Water Microbiology, September 15–20, 2019, the Campus of the University of Vienna, Austria.


Jian Pu, Nabila Dhyan Azraini, Ermaya Eka Cahyaningrum, Shinobu Kazama, Konta Yoshimitsu, Takayuki Miura, Toru Watanabe. Occurrence of norovirus genotype II in Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, The 2nd International Symposium on Conservation and Management of Tropical Lakes, August 24–26, 2017, Siem Reap, Cambodia.


Jialing Ni, Kengo Kubota, Shinobu Kazama, Yu-You Li. Diversity of phages in an anaerobic sludge digester, International Union of Microbiological Societies, July 17–21, 2017, Sands Expo & Convention Center, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.


Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Yoshimitsu Konta, Yoshifumi Masago, Kentaro Tohma, Yoshifumi Manaka, Xiaofang Liu, Mayuko Saito, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Sewage sample analysis using pyrosequencing: temporal change in norovirus genotypes circulating in Miyagi, Japan, 2013−2016, The 6th International Calicivirus Conference, October 9–13, 2016, Savannah, GA, USA.


Shinobu Kazama, Yoshifumi Masago, Takayuki Miura, Yoshimitsu Konta, Tatsuo Omura. Distribution of human caliciviruses identified in municipal wastewater by metagenomic analysis using a newly developed method, The 6th International Calicivirus Conference, October 9–13, 2016, Savannah, GA, USA.


Mayuko Saito, Shinobu Kazama, Kentaro Tohma, Yoshifumi Masago, Yoshimitsu Konta, Takayuki Miura, Toshifumi Imagawa, Takashi Manaka, Xiaofang Liu, Tatsuo Omura, Hitoshi Oshitani. Wastewater monitoring, filling gaps between clinical and environmental pathogens, 5th Food and Environmental Virology Conference, September 14, 2016, Kusatsu, Japan.


Takayuki Miura, Shinobu Kazama, Yoshimitsu Konta, Yoshifumi Masago, Kentaro Tohma, Takashi Manaka, Xiaofang Liu, Mayuko Saito, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Sewage monitoring of noroviruses for an early warning system of gastroenteritis, 5th Food and Environmental Virology Conference, September 13–16, 2016, Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan.


Shinobu Kazama, Yoshifumi Masago, Takayuki Miura, Yoshimitsu Konta, Tatsuo Omura. Development of a selective-metagenomic method for human enteric viruses in wastewater, 5th Food and Environmental Virology Conference, September 13–16, 2016, Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan.


Nabila Dhyan Azraini, Ermaya Eka Cahyaningrum, Jian Pu, Shinobu Kazama, Yoshimitsu Konta, Takayuki Miura, Tatsuo Omura, Hiroaki Ito, Toru Watanabe. Genotyping of Norovirus GII detected in oysters during 2014 gastroenteritis-epidemic season in Japan, 5th Food and Environmental Virology Conference, September 13–16, 2016, Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan.


Takashi Manaka, Kentaro Tohma, Shinobu Kazama, Takafumi Imagawa, Yoshimitsu Konta, Daisukie Nakayama, Mayuko Saito, Takayuki Miura, Tatsuo Omura, Hitoshi Oshitani. Comparison of group A rotavirus G genotype in between clinical and sewage water samples after rotavirus vaccine introduction, 5th Food and Environmental Virology Conference (ISFEV2016), September 13–16, 2016, Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan.


Yoshifumi Masago, Shinobu Kazama, Tatsuo Omura. Genotype distribution of Norovirus in wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant in Japan, 2015 International Environmental Engineering Conference, October 30, 2015, Busan, South Korea.


Shinobu Kazama, Yoshifumi Masago, Mayuko Saito, Xiaofang Liu, Robert H. Gilman, Holger Mayta , Jahuira E. Crabtree, Gerardo Sanchez, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Presence of Papper Mild Mottle virus in infant stools: How can it be?, 18th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, September 13–19, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.


Yoshifumi Masago, Shinobu Kazama, Tatsuo Omura. Genotype distribution of Norovirus GII in wastewater from a wastewater treatment plant in Japan, 18th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, September 13–19, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.


Masaru Ihara, Yoshifumi Masago, Manami Inaba, Seiya Hanamoto, Akihiko Hata, Shinobu Kazama, Suntae Lee, Yohei Katakawa, Naoyuki Yamashita, Tomonari Matsuda, Hiroyuki Katayama, Tatsuo Omura, Hiroaki Tanaka. How are microbes attenuated in water environmental?: Comparative analysis of microbes and wastewater chemical, 18th International Symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, September 13–19, 2015, Lisbon, Portugal.


Yoshifumi Masago, Shinobu Kazama, Satoshi Numazawa, Tatsuo Omura. Identification of positive-strand RNA viruses in wastewater using pyrosequencing, The 2nd Global Leadership Initiative Special Workshop on Water Virology, January 21, 2014, Kusatsu, Gunma, Japan.


Shinobu Kazama, Yoshifumi Masago, Kentaro Tohma, Nao Souma, Toshifumi Imagawa, Akira Suzuki, Liu Xiaofang, Mayuko Saito, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Detection and genotyping of Norovirus from gastroenteritis surveillance and wastewater monitoring in 2012–2013 winter, 4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology, September 2–5, 2014, Corfu, Greece.


Hiroaki Ito, Takuya Kumagai, Shinobu Kazama, Yoshifumi Masago, You Ueki, Toru Watanabe. Application of new generation sequencing technique for Norovirus GII in oysters, 4th International Conference on Food and Environmental Virology, September 2–5, 2014, Corfu, Greece.


Noaki Hijikata, Ryu Tezuka, Shinobu Kazama, Masahiro Ohtaki, Daisuke Sano, Ken Ushijima, Ryusei Ito, Satoshi Okabe and Naoyuki Funamizu. Adequate handling conditions of composting toilets using calcium lime and ash evaluated by microbiological safety of end product, 9th IWA International Symposium on Waste Management Problems in Agro-Industries, November 24–26, 2014, Kochi, Japan.


Rui Tezuka, Nowaki Hijikata, Shinobu Kazama, Seyram K. Sossou, Naoyuki Funamizu. Inactivation mechanism of pathogenic bacteria using lime and ash in composting toilet, 4th International Dry Toilet Conference, August 22–25, 2012, Tampere, Finland.


Shinobu Kazama, Masahiro Otaki. The mechanism of microorganisms inactivation in composting toilet, Proc. 8th international Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation, September 21–23rd, 2010, Paris.


Shinobu Kazama, Masahiro Otaki. Fate of indicator bacteria for pathogenic viruses in composting toilet, Proc. 6th international Symposium on Sustainable Sanitation, September 29–30, 2008, Changchun, China.


Shinya Hotta, Shinobu Kazama, Naoyuki Funamizu, Masahiro Otaki. Decline of pathogenic microorganism in the active composting process with daily input of human excreta, International conference on sustainable Sanitation, November 25–28, 2007, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil.


Masahiro Otaki, Naoko Nakagawa, Shinobu Kazama, Fumiko Akaishi, Narue Tameike. Hygienic risk assessment and control in using composting toilet, Proc. of the 5th Inter. Symp. on Sustainable Sanitation, 163–170, 2007, Japan.

DOMESTIC Conference Presentations


国内学会発表 Domestic Conference

Chanthavong S, Sotelo TJ & Satoh H (2022).

Sludge Generation in the Membrane Aerated Biofilm Process Under Different Organic Loadings.

WET2022, Japan Society on Water Environment, July. 09-10, 2022. (online conference)

Mardatillah R, Sotelo TJ, Shinfuku Y, Kurisu F & Satoh H (2022).

The Effect of Anionic Surfactants on the Aerobic Organic Matter Removal Performance of  Enhanced Sewer Self-purification by Porous Media.

WET2022, Japan Society on Water Environment, July. 09-10, 2022. (online conference)

佐藤弘泰、Tiffany Joan Sotelo (2022)


第56回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.77. (2022年3月16日〜18日、富山、オンライン開催)

小野圭哉、佐藤弘泰 (2022)


第56回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.379. (2022年3月16日〜18日、富山、オンライン開催)

Sotelo TJ & Satoh H (2021).

A performance evaluation of enhanced sewer self-purification: Mechanisms of removal during intermittent flow. 

WET2021, Japan Society on Water Environment, Aug. 11-12, 2021. (online conference)

Mardatillah R, Sotelo TJ & Satoh H (2021).

Effect of Sodium Dodecylbenzene Sulfonate on Organic Pollutants Removal during the Intermittent Contact Oxidation Process for Enhanced Sewer Self-purification.

WET2021, Japan Society on Water Environment, Aug. 11-12, 2021. (online conference)


Chanthavong S, Sotelo TJ & Satoh H (2021).

A Mass Balance Estimation of a Membrane Aerated Biofilm Reactor Reveals Lower Sludge Production.

WET2021, Japan Society on Water Environment, Aug. 11-12, 2021. (online conference)


Chen Y, Sotelo TJ & Satoh H (2021).

Sulfide removal by application of the intermittent contact oxidation process – implications on anaerobic digester effluent treatment. WET2021, Japan Society on Water Environment, Aug. 11-12, 2021. (online conference)


佐藤弘泰、Regina Mardatillah、Tiffany Joan Sotelo (2021)
第53回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.204. (2021年3月10日〜12日、京都、オンライン開催)

Tiffany Joan SOTELO, Hiroyasu SATOH (2020)
Lipid Composition Changes Influenced by Intermittent Flow Through Porous Media: A Performance Evaluation of Enhanced Sewer Self- Purification
WET2020, Japan Society on Water Environment, Nov. 7-8, 2020. (online conference)

奥野健太、石井良和、松原善治、佐藤弘泰 (2020)
第54回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.353, 日本水環境学会. (2020年3月16日〜18日、岩手大学、オンライン開催)

石井良和、奥野健太、松原善治、佐藤弘泰 (2020)
第54回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.551, 日本水環境学会. (2020年3月16日〜18日、岩手大学、オンライン開催)

小林駿, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊 (2019)
第56回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, p.19, 土木学会環境工学委員会. (2019年12月2日〜4日、岡山大学)

Sotelo TJ, Satoh H, Mino T (2019)

Treatment Performance of a Sewer Pipe Model Using Different Sponge Media Structures. WET2019, Japan Society on Water Environment, July 13-14, 2019, Osaka, Japan.

Lyu RT, Satoh H, Mino T (2019)

Intermittent Contact Oxidation Process under Feast-famine Condition - Implications on In-sewer Purification. WET2019, Japan Society on Water Environment, July 13-14, 2019, Osaka, Japan.


ラボスケール単層式管路内下水浄化装置の性能評価. 第55回下水道研究発表会, pp1055-1057. (2019年8月6日〜8日、パシフィコ横浜会議センター)



第53回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.353, 日本水環境学会. (2019年3月7日〜9日、山梨大学)


横山誠宏, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊(2019). 


第53回日本水環境学会年会講演集, p.333, 日本水環境学会. (2019年3月7日〜9日、山梨大学)


Lyu R, Satoh H, Mino T (2018)

Introducing ICOP in-sewer Treatment Technology at Sewer Upstream – Development of Methodology. 

第55回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集(p.12). 土木学会環境工学委員会. (2018年12月17日〜19日、京都大学)




第55回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集, P13, 土木学会環境工学委員会. (2018年12月17日〜19日、京都大学)


Sotelo TJ, Satoh H, Mino T (2018).

Evaluation of Gas-phase Oxygen Concentration for In-situ Monitoring of Aerobic Pollutant Degradation. 

第55回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集(p.13). 土木学会環境工学委員会. (2018年12月17日〜19日、京都大学)


Sotelo TJ, Satoh H & Mino T (2018).

Effect of Flow Intermittency on the Degradation Rate of Lipids by Intermittent Contact Oxidation Process.

In The 55th Japan Annual Technical Conference on Sewerage (pp. 89-91). Kitakyushu, Fukuoka: Japan Sewage Works Association. (2018年7月24日〜26日、北九州市西日本総合展示場)


Sotelo TJ, Satoh H & Mino T (2018).

Lipid Degradation with Intermittent Surface Aeration in a Simulated Sewer System. 

In Water and Environment Technology 2018 Program and Abstracts (pp. 19), Japan Society on Water Environment.(2018年7月14日〜15日、愛媛大学)


Sotelo TJ, Satoh H & Mino T (2018). 

Effect of Lipid Type on the Degradation Rate of the Intermittent Contact Oxidation Process (脂質の種類が間欠接触酸化法による分解速度に及ぼす影響). 

In The 52nd Annual Conference of Japan Society on Water Environment (p. 484), Japan Society on Water Environment. (2018年3月15日〜17日、北海道大学)


Satoh H & Sotelo TJDR (2017). 


第54回環境工学研究フォーラム講演集 (p.7)、土木学会環境工学委員会. (2017年12月17日〜19日、岐阜大学)




第20回日本水環境学会シンポジウム講演集, P161,日本水環境学会. (2017年9月26日〜28日、和歌山大学)




第54回下水道研究発表会講演集, 892-893, 日本下水道協会. (2017年8月1日〜3日、東京ビッグサイト)


Sotelo TJ, Satoh H & Mino T (2017).

Evaluation of Lipid Degradation via the In-sewer Treatment Process. 

In Water and Environment Technology 2017 Program and Abstracts (p. 67),Japan Society on Water Environment.(2017年7月22日〜23日、札幌大学)




第51回日本水環境学会年次講演会, p551. (2017.3.15-17, 熊本大学) 


黒木雄介, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊, 松坂勝雄, 松原善治, 玉木聡史
第51回日本水環境学会年会, 333, 2017.


黒木雄介, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊, 松坂勝雄, 松原善治, 玉木聡史
第53回下水道研究発表会, 2016. 講演集983-985.


玉木聡史, 松坂勝雄, 松原善治, 佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁
第53回下水道研究発表会, 2016. 講演集980-982.


黒木雄介, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊, 松坂勝雄, 松原善治, 玉木聡史
第50回日本水環境学会年会, 2016. 講演集83.


黒木雄介, 佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁, 味埜俊
第52回下水道研究発表会, 2015. 講演集1043-1045.


松坂勝雄, 松原善治, 玉木聡史, 佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁
第52回下水道研究発表会, 2015. 講演集566-568.


第52回下水道研究発表会, 2015. 講演集569-571.


黒木雄介, 佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁,味埜俊,松坂勝雄, 松原善治
第49回日本水環境学会年会, 2015. 講演集675.


松坂勝雄,松原善治, 佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁
第51回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2014.  (環境技術・プロジェクト賞受賞)


佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第51回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2014.


Su T., Satoh H., Mino T.
Changes of activated sludge bacterial population caused by addition of extracts from activated sludge – Effects of organic loading and incubation time.
第51回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2014.


松坂勝雄, 松原善治, 佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁
第51回下水道研究発表会, 2014. 講演集646-648.


佐藤弘泰, 庄司仁, 松原善治, 松坂勝雄
第51回下水道研究発表会, 2014. 講演集46-48. (ポスター発表・最優秀賞受賞)


石維, 庄司仁, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第48回日本水環境学会年会, 2014. 講演集388.


蘇涛, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
Rapid detection of microbial population changes caused by extracts from activated sludge.
第48回日本水環境学会年会, 2014. 講演集224.


Yang H., Suda W., Oshima K., Hattori M., Satoh H., Mino T.
Monitoring of ribosomal RNA in the supernatant of activated sludge.
第50回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2013.


Shi W., Satoh H., Mino T.
The effect of reduction of aeration period on organic pollutants removal in sequencing batch activated sludge reactors.
第50回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2013.


蘇涛, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
Rapid detection of activated sludge microbial population changes caused by addition of extract from another activated sludge.
第47回日本水環境学会年会, 2013. 講演集397.


Su T., 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第28回日本微生物生態学会大会, 2012.


佐藤弘泰, 李寧, 石維, Gunawardana E.G.W., 大島健志朗, 服部正平, 味埜俊
第28回日本微生物生態学会大会, 2012.


佐藤弘泰, 楊賀, 大島健志朗, 服部正平, 味埜俊
第4回ファージ研究会, 2012.


第15回日本水環境学会シンポジウム, 2012.


佐藤弘泰, Huda S.M.S., 味埜俊
第49回下水道研究発表会, 2012.


佐藤祐樹, 蘇濤, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第46回日本水環境学会年会, 2012.


佐藤弘泰, Huda S.M.S., 石維, 味埜俊
第48回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2011. (環境技術・プロジェクト賞受賞)


佐藤祐樹, 蘇濤, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第48回環境工学研究フォーラム, 2011.


Gunawardana E.G.W., Satoh H., Mino T.
Effect of activated sludge handling on suspended solids and bacterial populations in settled supernatant.
環境バイオテクノロジー学会2011年度大会, 2011.


Huda S.M.S., Satoh H., Mino T.
Methane production from polyhydroxybutyrate accumulated in activated sludge.
環境バイオテクノロジー学会2011年度大会, 2011.


Ranasinghe P.D., Satoh H., Mino T.
Developing a computational tool to illustrate microbial diversity in activated sludge.
環境バイオテクノロジー学会2011年度大会, 2011.


Shi W., Satoh H., Mino T.
Time-shifting of power consumption in wastewater treatment using temporal carbon storage capability of activated sludge microorganisms.
環境バイオテクノロジー学会2011年度大会, 2011.


佐藤弘泰, Huda S.M.S., Shi W., 味埜俊
環境バイオテクノロジー学会2011年度大会, 2011.


小川寛司, 佐藤弘泰, 多田千佳, 中井裕
第45回日本水環境学会年会, 2011.


李寧, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第45回日本水環境学会年会, 2011.


楊賀, 佐藤弘泰, 味埜俊
第45回日本水環境学会年会, 2011.




著書 Books

Masahiro Otaki, Shinobu Kazama. Fate of pathogens in composting process. In: Resource-oriented agro-sanitation systems: concept, business model, and technology, Ed. Naoyuki Funamizu, Springer, 2019, pp. 66-77. ISBN 978-4-431-56835-3.

招待講演 Invited Lectures

Invited Lectures


風間しのぶ, 三浦尚之,真砂佳史,今田義光,当广謙太郎,真中太佳史,劉暁芳,伊藤絵里香,渡部徹,植木洋,甲野藤弘憲,斉藤繭子,押谷仁,大村達夫. 下水中のノロウイルスモニタリングによる胃腸炎監視システム, ウイルス性下痢症研究会第31回学術集会, 2019年10月28日, 国立医薬品食品衛生研究所(川崎市)


風間しのぶ、真砂佳史、森山一葉、大瀧雅寛. 下水由来(+)ssRNAウイルスのメタゲノム解析を用いた未知胃腸炎ウイルスの探索, 第5回環境水質工学シンポジウム, 2018年6月23日, あいぽーと佐渡(新潟県佐渡市).


風間しのぶ. Temporal dynamics of norovirus determined through monitoring of municipal wastewater by pyrosequencing and virological surveillance of gastroenteritis cases,日本水環境学会 第37回通常総会,2017年6月16日,タワーホール船堀(東京).


Shinobu Kazama, Takayuki Miura, Yoshifumi Masago, Yoshimitsu Konta, Kentaro Tohma, Takafumi Manaka, Xiaofang Liu, Daisuke Nakayama, Takashi Tanno, Mayuko Saito, Hitoshi Oshitani, Tatsuo Omura. Norovirus monitoring in sewage as a tool for detecting infectious gastroenteritis and genotypes circulating in human populations, The 2017 Japan-NIH joint Symposium on Advances in Biomedical Research and Disease, Workshop 1: Infectious Diseases, February 17, 2017, Seiryo Auditorium, Tohoku University.

博士論文 Doctor Thesis
修士論文 Master Thesis

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Department of Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

The University of Tokyo

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